Q & A: Safety Ownership for Employees

Q & A: Safety Ownership for Employees

Question: “What is the best way to encourage employees to "own" safety and realize that an effective safety program is a benefit to them?”

Answer: This is a cultural concern, and there’s no panacea, no single ingredient to build commitment and ownership. It is all about safety attitudes.

So I have a question for you: are you interested in delivering a free, online Safety Engagement Survey to your workforce, to learn more about safety attitudes?

You’ll discover…

If you’re interested, I can send you a custom link to your unique survey experience today—let me know!


Now back to your billion dollar safety questionthere’s a whole consulting industry set up to help folks answer this, but I’ve got a few suggestions:

  1. Have employees participate in the formation of the training program, as a standing advisory group or safety committee, to earn buy-in the right way from the beginning.
  2. Working safely needs to be a condition of employment and part of performance evaluation. Write the necessary policies and procedures.
  3. Employees need education so they understand the value of safety training activity. Start connecting the dots for your workforce in new ways.
  4. Executive leadership has to demonstrate a commitment to safety. Jill’s playbook: Understanding Safety Leadership for CEOs & Management Teams
  5. Whatever you do, don’t bore them.
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